A renowned scientist once stated that "everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted" (Einstein n.d.).
This is the story of the destiny chaser who, after controlling personal and structural confounders that would bias the significant relationship between relentless pursuits and non-negotiable faith, rejected the NULL.
I invite you to travel with me as I share my life study--my provocative research with a small sample size that is mysteriously overpowered. A quasi- phenomenological memoir punctuated by paralyzing fear, unanticipated betrayal, blood-curdling heartbreak, numbing disappointment, perseverance, bravery, unwavering faith, fast and furious curveballs, breathtaking vulnerability, and a shocking career trajectory! Read about recalibrations, detours, protocol deviations, serious adverse events, logic- defying stunts, and a conclusion that you will not see coming. My life story is about the untamed spirit; poignant, destiny-chasing moments; startling transitions; and spontaneously reinventing myself--unrelentingly finding statistical significance... for my good!