Connie Sue Williamson Perkins's name was never in lights. She was not famous outside her family or community. She was not rich. Wife, mother, grandmother, friend, Connie was an ordinary woman with an ordinary life. Yet to those who knew and loved her, Connie was extraordinary. Her devotion to her husband and family, her commitment to the Lord and to her church, her strong opinions (and willingness to share them), and her lively sense of humor left a lasting influence on everyone around her. This collection of reminiscences written by Connie's husband, family members, pastor, friend, and caregiver will bring smiles to your face and perhaps even a tear or two. Bill, her husband, shares stories such as how he taught Connie to drive when they were newly married, how the couple coped with their daughter's serious car accident, what really happened to the neighbor's old marauding cat, and how a commode full of artificial flowers ended up on the lawn to mark Connie's birthday. The pieces together form a loving tribute to an ordinary woman who becomes extraordinary as you get to know her. Throughout the essays, God's hand is at work in the most mundane circumstances, in important life transitions, and everywhere between. Come see how God makes a seemingly conventional life rich and meaningful. By the time you are finished reading, these warm, funny, fond memories will make you feel that you, too, have been blessed to know such an extraordinary woman.