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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Paperback - 01 September 2014
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Customer Reviews

10 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 21 July 2020
The Start of The Biggest Journey Ever
By: Handiko Wijaya

"Share your opinion." They don't need my opinion. This book literally everything. This book is the first time we ever see Harry Potter and the wizarding world. No words needed to express how good it is. This edition tho, the best edition out there.

10 customer reviews Between 3−4 stars rating, 04 June 2020
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
By: Charles Anthony

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is one of the most celebrated books of all time for one simple reason...because it deserves to be!  J.K. Rowling perfects the most important rule of story telling: be interesting

10 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 26 May 2020
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
By: Mellya Titania

Terima kasih! Bukunya sangat menarik, harganya terjangkau dan pengirimannya juga cepat✨

10 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 23 October 2018
Never too late to read it
By: Rifatus Sariroh

This cover version from Bloomsbury is definitely my favorite. I definitely love the book more than the movie even tho I watched the movie first. This book is indeed a door to magical world

10 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 01 March 2018
Great, Dark, Mystical and Funny
By: Karlo Sadrach

I do hold the belief that J.K Rowling should be ranked right up there with William Shakespeare on the "Measurements of Brilliant Literature" scale. With her tale focusing on a boy whose SCAR is a symbol of wonder, Rowling manages to make her own writing style without making it seem...deranged. She has indeed disproved the old stereotype of "British humor", as each novel--as far as I have read--has more than one hilarious moment in them. Some may seem slightly gross, but appear to be only so in movie format, as the author is polite enough not to go into detail.... See More

The book series DOES, however, have a recurring theme of violence, but only when necessary, or when merely to the readers pleasure (because we all wanted Draco to get punched in the face by Hermione. Admit it.) For example, one book features a large snake-like monster (that I wouldn't happen to remember the specific term for at the moment), which is brought down by Harry when he shoves a sword into the roof of its mouth, but again, it never goes into bloody detail. Another concern is that the Defense against the Dark Arts teachers are practically their universe's version of the Red shirts--that makes sense if you watch Star Trek--because they are usually only for the job once, but I do recall that only one died, the other one was fired, and I still haven't finished the third. (Perhaps he quit?) Anyway, the "Harry Potter" series is a fun and unique ride to take with your children without regretting--so saying, if you believe they're ready for EVER SO SLIGHT violence.

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