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Leaders Eat Last

Paperback - 25 May 2017
Sinek, Simon(Author)
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Customer Reviews

1 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 22 May 2018
Leadership with Human Touch
By: Dine Rostianti

Simon Sinek reminds the reader of the most basic concept of leadership that we have so often forgotten in this era that glorifies the material benefits. Humans are naturally social beings who need a comfortable living in groups, need togetherness to survive and have leaders who nurture the people he or she leads. Leaders, including in commercial companies, should treat the people they lead like parents to their children. Simon Sinek argues that leaders who create a family atmosphere in a company will produce better returns than leaders who create a toxic working environment within the company. Sometimes all of Simon Sinek's exposure feels like a utopia, but he is an optimist who believes that the future will be better for humanity if we apply and spread the values of goodness in our environment.

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