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The Wedding Girl :

Paperback - 09 December 2010
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At eighteen, in that first golden Oxford summer, Milly's best friends were Rupert and his American lover Allan. When Rupert suggested that she and Allan should get married, just so that Allan could stay in the country, it all seemed just a bit of fun -- and to make it seem real she dressed up in cheap wedding finery and posed on the steps of the registry office for photographs.

Ten years later, Milly is a very different person. Engaged to Simon -- who is wealthy, serious, and believes her to be perfect - she is facing the biggest and most elaborate wedding imaginable. Her dreadful secret is locked away so securely she has almost persuaded herself that it doesn't exist -- until, with only four days to go, her past catches up with her.

Customer Reviews

1 customer reviews Between 4−5 stars rating, 14 March 2014
By: Angelica Putri

As usual Sophie Kinsella book is hilarious. And for this one, the idea is just crazy! Just try to read it and you'll fall in love with Kinsella

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