Between 3−4 stars rating, 22 September 2014 To the cart, right away.
By: Hanna Bella
You would probably wonder about that. Whether this book is for you or not. You'll love this book in a different way you loved The Fault In Our Stars. Well, see here, this book is written by two brilliant authors. I personally really liked the idea of combining the characters and the stories that these two authors are capable of. Two Will Graysons, one preserved awkward nerdy guy with one funny and angry gay guy met, but one thing that tangles them together is actually another character which is so unique and deservedly loved big guy, Tiny.
This book is beautiful, for me. Because it's so refreshing to see the character of John Green , which has pretty much the same... See More
personality as the characters in his other book, connecting with this funny and angry character from David Levithan. Some may say that the characters are annoying but trust me, it's a very entertaining book. Also, if you haven't read any book by David Levithan , this book will impress you.
You'll find joy, angst, funny moments, self-discovering moments, and a beautiful friendship.