Between 3−4 stars rating, 08 February 2018 Detective story in an exceptional school
By: Stella Wenny
3.5 stars.I mostly love this book and enjoyed it a lot, I love the concept of the school so much, and love being intrigued by the mystery on the past and present. Buuuut, at first the characters just seem too many and it's always hard for me to remember all of them, much less know which chracter should I remember more because they will be important to the story. Buut, I... See More was frowning deeply when there's this romance that I didn't expect at all. I think that's because there are too many characters that I didn't pay much attention to both characters interaction before. And I can't relate to Stevie's thought about how suddenly she wants him so bad? Idk.Other thing that bugged me the most is two cases in this book are still unsolved! Almost and kinda but not quite. I mean I understand that they want to make it a series, but usually detective series always solve the main case on that book right? At least solve one case? And then add another case on the next book? I don't feel like we should be left hanging on a detective book? Also, I would have forgotten every clues and details about the cases by the time the sequel came out!